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Louisiana Department of Health

USDA Rural Development

USDA Rural Development

Department of Environment Quality (DEQ)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

State Plumbing Board of Louisiana

NRWA Affinity Program


Public Notification Services

Miscellaneous Technical Tips & Information

W.J. Fournet Scholarship

FEMA Information

LRWA LaWARN Information

Louisiana Office Community Development - Government Assistance Programs

Rate Studies

Private Water Well Owners Information

Looking for additional LRWA Programs like training or conferences?

LRWA Programs Page

Louisiana Department of Health

Major responsibilities include administration of the Safe Drinking Water Program, Community Sewage Program, Operator Certification Program and State Public Pool regulations. Examples of activities include plan reviews and permits for new construction or modification of drinking water facilities, wastewater facilities, institutions, state-owned facilities, and public pools as well as inspection, sampling, and supervision of public water supplies.

Safe Drinking Water Program
  • PWS Monitoring Plan Portal
  • Bacteriological sample collection & truck routes
  • Water rules and regulations
  • Boil water advisory
  • CCR information
  • Chlorine Residual Forms
  • More
Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund
  • Loan program
  • Capacity Development
  • Management training
  • Source water protection
  • Chlorine Residual Forms
  • Safe drinking water resources
  • Regulation Information
  • Louisiana State Plumbing Code
  • Backflow Prevention Information
  • More

Easy access to information for testing privately owned water wells for biological contaminants

LRWA no longer sell manuals for studying prior to Operator Exams. You can order manual through the University of Sacramento California.

  • Regulation Information
  • Louisiana State Plumbing Code
  • Backflow Prevention Information
  • More


The mission of the Department of Environmental Quality is to provide service to the people of Louisiana through comprehensive environmental protection in order to promote and protect health, safety and welfare while considering sound policies that are consistent with statutory mandates. The department is divided into the following offices:

  • The Office of the Secretary
  • The Office of Management and Finance
  • The Office of Environmental Services
  • The Office of Environmental Compliance
  • The Office of Environmental Assessment
Louisiana Aquifer Seminar Presentation


Region 6 serves Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and 66 Tribes


In 1924…when the Department of Health and Hospitals developed codes to protect the people of Louisiana, the Louisiana Plumbing Law was enacted and the State Plumbing Board was created. The State Plumbing Board continues to fulfill our fiscal responsibilities as well as protect the health and welfare of the people of Louisiana initially doing so by moving forward to the enactment of the Louisiana Master Plumber Licensing Law in 1990. You must pass an examination in order to be licensed to perform or install plumbing work.



The Power of Association

Choose from website design & customer communications, to several insurance packages including health plans, data breach services, line & leak coverage, background screening as well as our NRWA Rural Water Loan Fund, all designed to meet the needs of utilities.



LRWA has partnered with SwiftReach Networks. SwiftReach Networks Inc. has created a powerful, new Public Notification System. Whether it be an urgent event such as “Boil Water” advisories or routine contact for collection calls, you can use this cutting-edge technology to quickly communicate with your customers via telephone, e-mail, Text/SMS or any communications device.  Please click the below for more information. Please feel free to contact LRWA for any additional questions.





In 1998, members of the Louisiana Rural Water Association (LRWA) created the Scholarship Fund in honor of Mr. Willis Fournet.  This award of $2,000 will be made to a student to defray the cost of tuition, books, or room and board at an accredited institution of higher learning approved by the Louisiana Rural Water Association (LRWA). Applicants must be a citizen or legal resident of the United States, a resident of the State of Louisiana, and reside on a water and/or wastewater system that is a member of LRWA.

Brief background of Mr. Willis Fournet

He was born and raised in Kinder, LA.  He was a graduate of McNeese State University and went on to become an educator & coach.  After retiring in 1981 as an elementary school principal, he became the director of the Louisiana Rural Water Association.  He was very instrumental in guiding LRWA to its present state.  He continued his educational background by assisting and training water and wastewater operators across the state.  Mr. Fournet retired from LRWA in December 1993 and passed away in December 1994.

We encourage you, our utility members, to contact your local high school counselors and inform your customers that this scholarship is available for students.

Previous scholarship applicants and winners may apply.

If you need additional information, please call the LRWA at (800) 256-2591 or (337) 738-2896.

TYPED applications are due by March 7, 2025.


You will find all kinds of information about FEMA right here.

FEMA Website
Repairing/Rebuilding After a Hurricane – Resources You Can Use


LaWARN (Louisiana Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network): Following the impacts of Hurricane Katrina and then Hurricane Rita, it became apparent that even with the extraordinary efforts of utilities, water associations, and state regulatory agencies, the demand for resources and knowing where those resources were available overwhelmed the ability to effectively coordinate the initial response. Realizing that utilities needed a different approach, leaders in the water community and state agencies have joined together to create the Louisiana Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network or LaWARN. Our mission is to support and promote statewide emergency preparedness, disaster response, and mutual assistance matters for public and private water and wastewater utilities. The LaWARN program provides its member utilities with a LaWARN Mutual Assistance Agreement (complete & return to LRWA)

  • A standard omnibus mutual assistance agreement and process for sharing emergency resources among members statewide.
  • A mutual assistance program consistent with other statewide mutual aid programs.
  • The resources to respond and recover more quickly from a disaster.
  • A forum for developing and maintaining emergency contacts and relationships.
  • New ideas from lessons learned in disasters.
  • The Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association and the Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police, with the support of the LA State Police, have adopted a Joint SO (JSOP) for Coordinated Statewide Reentry, and that the ER-ITN data system has been adopted to implement the JSOP. The JSOP, and the ER-ITN that implements it, are intended to help solve reentry problems after a natural disaster. Visit the LA State Police and LA Sheriff’s Association websites for more information regarding the Joint SOP (JSOP).
  • LaWARN Brochure
  • LaWARN Application (complete and return to LRWA)
  • NRWA & LRWA Emergency Response Template (MS Word format)
  • EPA Emergency Response Plan Guidance (PDF format)
Mutual Aid Agreement LaWARN Application

Rate Study Information

If you want LRWA to conduct a Rate Study on your system please click the box on the right and complete the PDF Rate Study Request form, then email to the LRWA office at

DO NOT send any financial information at this time.

Please ensure everyone involved in the Rate Study reads the instructions and procedures (2nd box to the right) needed to conduct a rate study to understand what is necessary for the LRWA staff to conduct the study for the system

If you are not requesting or awarded Water Sector Funding your rate study will be assigned in the order it arrives at our office. Please understand we have a waiting list and will get to them as soon as our staff is available.

The technician assigned to your rate study will contact you to request all the financial information needed.

NOTE regarding Water Sector Funding Systems:
LRWA has been approved to conduct Rate Studies for systems requesting Water Sector Funding.  You can complete the form on the right and send it to our office at  The Office of Community Development (OCD) will assign LRWA rate studies for particular systems.  LRWA can only conduct Water Sector Funding Rate Studies once OCD assigns them to us.

Rate Study Request Form
Rate Study Request Instructions & Procedures
Sustainability Check-up Tool (Worksheet for the for Systems to Help Maintain their Sustainability)

Private Water Well Owners Information

Louisiana Department of Health Private Water Well Owners Network
Louisiana Department of Health Private Water Well Owners Network 2
Louisiana Department of Health Private Water Well Owners Network Email Sign Up
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