Benefits include but are not limited to:
- Provide membership to water and/or wastewater systems, small municipalities, individual and vendors associated with the water and/or wastewater industry.
- Expeditious on-site technical assistance for all types of water and/or wastewater systems.
- Free listing of Associate & Active members (mailed once per year in an annual directory or upon request.)
- Operator certification training, applications, and information.
- Free energy conservation assistance upon request.
- Free Statewide training sessions on related topics for water and/or wastewater systems.
- Re-certification credit hours available through LRWA training sessions.
- Annual technical/training conference.
- Operator certification training at the Wayne Fontenot Training Center in Kinder and various locations in the state.
- Informing members of federal and state issues.
- Magazine with advertisement and articles related to the water and wastewater industry (free classified ads – help wanted or equipment for sale, which is also posted on our website.
- Equipment available along with technical assistance.
- Voting rights in association affairs for active members.
- Free access to equipment.
- Discount fees for members (advertising, conference, certification classes.)
- Free subscription to the magazine (February/June/October).
- Informative website:
“…We were not charged anything for that service. This association is a great asset to the small rural water system because we cannot afford to hire someone to help with problems that come up. We know we can always turn to the Rural Water Association for help.”
“…We highly recommend to any system that is exploring a rate increase to ask for assistance from Louisiana Rural Water Association. With your assistance you not only get the rate analysis, but you get the experience and dedication of highly trained personnel to help board members navigate the negotiation process.”
“…We are grateful for your assistance and savings you provided the Village of Loreauville by conducting the smoke testing at no cost to the Village…”
Advertising Opportunities
The Louisiana Rural Water Association (LRWA) would like to extend a special invitation to your company to place an advertisement in the LRWA Magazine.
Our magazine is mailed three (3) times a year (February, May, and October). The magazine has a circulation of 1600 plus. It is mailed to all LRWA members (water and wastewater systems, individual members, & associate members) other state associations, state & federal legislators, and water-related agencies.
Click on the button for details regarding magazine advertising.