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November 13 – Webinar – LA Standards Part 3 & 6 TSS Water Committee Forum

Louisiana Standards Part 3 & 6 TSS Water Committee ForumThe Louisiana Standards Part 3 & 6 TSS Water Committee Forum will be hosted via webinar on November 13th and all interested parties are invited to attend.  More information regarding the Louisiana Standards for Water Works Construction, Operation and Maintenance is provided below. Join us for…

November 18-Baker-Management Training

Municipal Center, 3325 Groom Rd, Baker, LA 4:30pm-5:00pm - Registration5:00pm-6:30pm - Management Practices/Defining Responsibilities: Jean Simon, LRWA/USDA Wastewater Technician6:30pm-6:45pm - Break: Snack/Meal sponsored by Southeastern Tank, Inc, Ivy Lewis6:45pm-7:00pm - Water Storage Tank Solutions: Ivy Lewis, Southeastern Tank, Inc.7:00pm-7:45pm - Financial Practices: Rusty Reeves, LRWA Deputy Director7:45pm-8:30pm - State & Federal Regulations for Public Water…

November 19 – Baker-Approved for Water Credit Hours ONLY

Municipal Center, 3325 Groom Rd, Baker, LA7:00am- 8:00am - Registration8:00am-8:15am - Introduction: Rusty Reeves, LRWA Deputy Director8:15am-9:45am - Operator Certification: Jim Mooring, DHH Operator Certification Unit9:45am-10:45am - Emergency Preparedness: GOHSEP, speaker to be determined10:45am-12:00pm - Disinfectant By-products (Stage 1 & 2): Caryn Benjamin, DHH/OPH Central Office12:00pm-12:30pm - Lunch sponsored by Louisiana Utility Supply - Baton…

December 4 – Abbeville – Management Training

LRWA/DHH-OPH Capacity Development Management Training5:00pm-6:30pm - Management Practices/Defining Responsibilities:  Jean Simon, LRWA/USDA RUS Wastewater Technician 6:30pm-6:45pm – Break: Snack/Meal sponsored by Griner Drilling, Rayne 6:45pm-7:15pm - Financial Practices: Rusty Reeves,…

DHH Emergency Rule Seminars

DHH is sponsoring several workshops to allow water systems to come in and work on their plans and submit the final plans electronically. The calendar below indicates where these workshops…

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