October 14-17, 32 Hr Certification Training-Kinder, LA
Please be advised that our 32 hr Water & Wastewater Certification Class has reached it's capacity. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
October 14-17, 32 Hr Certification Training-Kinder, LA
Please be advised that our 32 hr Water & Wastewater Certification Class has reached it's capacity. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
October 22-Minden-Management Training
October 22, 2013-Civic Center, 520 Broadway, Minden, LA (Management Training)(Credit hours have been approved for: Water Production, Treatment & Distribution and Wastewater Treatment & Collection) 4:30pm-5:00pm - Registration 5:00pm-6:30pm - Management Practices/Defining Responsibilities: Ken Terry, LRWA/USDA Wastewater Tech 6:30pm-6:45pm - Break: Snack/Meal sponsored by Utility Technology Services 6:45pm-7:00pm - Meter Reading Solutions: Darin Coker, Utility…
October 23 – Minden
October 23, 2013-Civic Center, 520 Broadway, Minden, LA(Credit hours have been approved for: Water Production, Treatment & Distribution ONLY) 7:00am-8:00 am -- Registration 8:00am-8:15am - Introductions: Rusty Reeves, LRWA Deputy Director 8:15am-9:15am - Fluoride:DHH/OPH Staff 9:15am-10:30am -- Disinfection/Disinfectant (Stage 1 & 2): Caryn Benjamin, DHH/OPH Central Office 10:30am-11:15am -- Consumer Confidence Reports: Sean Nolan, DHH/OPH Central…
LRWA is going GREEN to help our environment. Please choose below which items you would like to receive via email. Thank you for Going Paperless!! LRWA Going GREEN Registration
3rd Annual Operator Expo Exhibitor Registration
Exhibitor Set-up/Registration Monday, 11-4-13, 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM and Tuesday, 11-5-13, 7AM to 8AM.
3rd Annual Operator Expo Registration (Cancelled)
LRWA regretfully informs you that our Annual EXPO (November 5 & 6, 2013) has been canceled. We apologize for this inconvenience; we know that many of you were counting on…
November 4-5 – Alexandria
LRWA Operator EXPO, November 4-5, Alexandria, LA Registration information will be posted soon, please check back!
November 11-14, 32 Hr Certification Training-Shreveport, LA
We have reopeaned enrollment for this session, there are a limited # of seats available, please contact our office if you have any questions. Certification Training November 11-14, 2013 32…
November 11-14, 32 Hr Certification Training – Shreveport, LA
Certification Training November 11-14, 2013 32 Hour Water levels 1 & 2 and 32 Hour Wastewater levels 1 & 2 Bill Cockrell facility a Shreveport Public Assistance and Recreation (SPAR)…