April 21-24, 2025 – Carencro- Water 1&2 or Wastewater 1&2 Certification Training Review
April 21 - April 24
$340.00 – $500.00Course Approvals Pending
Carencro, LA 70520
Michael Marler, Instructor
Course Approval #68399
Vern Breland, Instructor
Course Approval #68400
Register early, as seating is limited. LRWA will not reserve seats without payment. Registration will close once the seating limit is reached.
You may only enroll in one class at a time, as they are held in different classrooms simultaneously from Monday to Thursday, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. A certification class is REQUIRED to take the exam on Friday.
These training courses are designed for individuals who need to take their operator certification exam to become certified. The classes review either Water (Production, Treatment, and Distribution) or Wastewater (Treatment and Collection).
If you only need certification hours, the cost remains the same, and there is no discount for attending fewer than four days. You will receive only the approved hours for the class you registered for and cannot switch between classes to accumulate water and wastewater hours. If you are only attending for hours, you may be removed from the class if there is a higher demand for individuals needing to take the operator certification exam. Priority seating will be given to those taking the exam.
You can find the Water & Wastewater Need-to-Know information in the Publications section of the Louisiana Department of Health website (Link: Publications | La Dept. of Health)
The instructor will provide a class manual or handout for review and studying during class. You may bring other study materials or manuals as additional study aids. If you wish to purchase the California Manuals, you can do so directly through the provided links.
Water Manuals: http://www.owp.csus.edu/courses/drinking-water.php
Wastewater Manuals: http://www.owp.csus.edu/courses/wastewater.php
Students are responsible for their meals.
Remember to make hotel reservations if needed, as LRWA does not offer discount room rates.
This requirement is specifically for individuals who have been instructed by the LDH Certification Department to complete 40 hours of training due to unsuccessful attempts at passing the exam. It does not apply to those seeking extra credit hours or new employees taking the exam.
Before registering, please contact the LDH Certification Department at 225-342-7508 to confirm whether you are required to complete these 40 hours. Please note that LRWA will not reimburse you for the 40 hours if you later find that they are not necessary.
Friday, April 25, 2025
Brown Park Community Center
1234 East Pont Des Mouton Rd
Lafayette, LA 70507
The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) requires PRE-APPROVAL for all certification exams. Therefore, you must submit your pre-application to their office at least 30 days before the exam date. Please note that walk-ins are not allowed. You can complete the Exam Application through this link: Operator Certification | La Dept. of Health
Important Update: Submit your exam applications early (do it now), as there is a limited number of seats available for each exam. According to LDH, seating will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis based on the date your exam application is received.
EXAM APPLICATION must be sent to:
Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), Attn: Certification Office
Mail: P.O. Box 4489, Bin 10 Box 6, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4489
Fax: 225-342-7494
Email: opcert@la.gov (recommend this option)
For exam questions, contact LDH at 225-342-7508
Esteban “Stone” Gonzalez, MPA – Operator Certification Program Administrator 225-342-7512
Reyna Anderson Duffus, MBA – State Training Officer 225-342-7507
email at opcert@la.gov
The links provided below are only for applying to take the exam through LDH. You must also register separately with LRWA for the class, as the exam and class are two different components. Registering for an LRWA class does not automatically permit you to take the exam, and applying for the exam does not register you for the LRWA class.