- This event has passed.
March 10 & 11, 2021 – Delhi – W/WW Approved
March 10, 2021 - March 11, 2021
Maximum capacity has been reached. Please understand that by registering for this training you are being placed on a waiting list. If or when space becomes available, you will be contacted.
The following guidelines will apply for this training in accordance with Governor Edwards’ COVID19 regulations:
1. Attendance will be limited to 50
2. First Come, First Serve Basis
3. Pre-registration is Required. Walk-ins will not be allowed.
4. Social Distancing will Apply
5. Masks will be provided and you may or may not be required to wear them depending on Governor Edwards’ ruling at the time
6. If pre-registered and cannot attend, please be considerate and call to cancel
232 Denver Street
Delhi, LA
Please note that this is a 6-hour Sustainable Utility *Management Training which includes a working lunch.
Meal sponsor is Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson, Inc.
9:00am9:15am – Sign-in/Registration
9:15am-9:30am – Introductions and Workshop Objectives
9:30am-10:30am – Session 1: Overview of Key Management Areas (Presentation of Key Management Areas & Group Discussion of Other Important Management Areas for Sustainability)
10:30am-11:30am – Session 2: Explanation of “Sustainable Management Self-Assessment”, Utility Self-Assessment Exercise, and Table Discussion among Participants about Results
11:30am-12:15pm – Session 3: Plenary Discussion – Self Assessment Results
12:15pm-1:00pm – Session 4: Table Exercise – Improving Outcomes (each table completes an improvement worksheet for one low achievement/high priority management area)
1:00pm-1:45pm – Session 5a: Plenary Discussion – Practices, Tools, and Measures: Results (report and discuss findings)
1:45pm2:30pm – Session 5b: Plenary Discussion – Practices: Results (Synthesis of Table Discussion Results, Local Assistance Available in Key Management Areas, Presentation of Additional Tips, Tools, and Measurement, Reflections: Key Lessons Learned and Near Term Steps, and Discuss System Management Improvement Plan)
2:30pm-3:00pm – Session 6: Feedback Session (participants complete workshop evaluation form)
All presentations will be conducted by Ken Terry, USDA Wastewater Trainer and Technician Specialist, unless indicated otherwise
*Management Training – As outlined in LAC 48: Part V. 7707-7719 — “Management Training. As a part of meeting the managerial capacity requirements, all appropriate staff of existing public water systems shall attend a training session provided by the state, its contractors or other state recognized trainers for board members, council members/mayors/owners, etc. Management training for all board members/council members/mayors/owners of existing public water systems will be based on whether their water system has been issued an administrative order, and/or is on the significant non-complier’s list and/or has had primary MCL violations during the past three years. The department will continue to encourage attendance on a voluntary basis at management training sessions by board members/council members/mayors/owner’ of other public water systems. Training sessions shall be provided periodically and appropriate parties as noted above will have the opportunity to attend one of the scheduled sessions within six months after the system has been notified that is it being evaluated for technical, managerial, and financial capacity.”
7:00am-8:00am — Registration
8:00am-8:15am – Introduction: Rusty Reeves, LRWA Deputy Director & EPA Training Specialist
8:15am-9:15am — Operator Certification Rule: Tom Walton, Operator Certification Unit
9:15am-10:15am — Water System Security & Emergency Preparedness: Ric Moore, GOHSEP
10:15am-11:00am — Disinfection and Disinfectant By-products (Stage 1 & 2): Sean Nolan, LDH/OPH Central Office Staff
11:00am-12:00pm — Safe Drinking Water Regulations Updates: Caryn Benjamin, LDH/OPH Deputy Chief Engineer
12:00pm-1:00pm – Lunch sponsored by: Core & Main
1:00pm-1:30pm — Service for Utilities: Rebecca Zigler, Core & Main
1:30pm-2:45pm — Ground Water: Johan Forsman, LDH/OPH Central Office
2:45pm-3:45pm — Cross Connection Control: Tyler Lollis, Engineer Intern 2, LDH Region 8
3:45pm-4:45pm — Revised Total Coliform Rule: Danny Mortimer, District Sanitarian, LDH District 4
4:30pm–5:00pm — Questions & Evaluations
Please note: LRWA Training Sessions are a “Fire Arm Free Zone”
This seminar involves training at an off-site facility, which is neither owned nor controlled by LRWA. Registrant acknowledges that LRWA and its employees do not assume responsibility for the condition of the off-site facility nor guarantee the safety of registrant at the off-site facility. Registrant agrees to hold LRWA and its employees harmless from all claims for injuries arising from conditions present at the off-site facility.